Sense tema za CM7
Član XDA Foruma nhnt11 je predstavio interesantnu Sense temu za vaš Android uređaj sa Cyanogenmod verzijom 7.
Ova tema podržava HDPI, MDPI i LDPI rezolucije i napravljena je kao eksperiment kako bi nhnt11 naučio kako funkcionišu teme. Kao rezultat, imamo dobro dizajniranu temu koja će vam dati lep početni ekran na uređaju. Developer napominje da ova tema ne daje Sense widget-e.
Da bi ste je instalirali, treba da pokrenete apk iz file manager-a, nakon instalacije, otvorite theme chooser i nađite NTSense temu koja nema preview i primenite je. Reći će vam da nema resursa za vašu rezoluciju i veličinu ekrana, ignorišite i pritisnite apply i restartujte.
Originalni post člana nhnt11:
[CM7 Theme Chooser][H/M/LDPI] NTSense – Sense for CM7!!! (Updated 9/3)
Hi guys,
This is a port of the Sense framework. It works with the theme chooser so it’s easily updatable.
This theme supports HDPI, MDPI and LDPI. I don’t have an HDPI/MDPI phone around to test though, so it would be much appreciated if you could test it out and tell me what you think, if you find any bugs, etc.This theme was originally an experiment for me to learn/figure out the theme engine (I never intended to actually use it because I’m not a big sense fan), but many people liked it and I got a request for HDPI so I thought I’d just continue working on it as a proper theme.
The complete framework is themed, including status bar, notifications, icons, dialogs, buttons, progress bars, overscroll glow, etc etc. Also I’ve put in a version of the honeycomb keyboard with green highlights instead of blue.
Za download i više informacija posetite tred na XDA forumu.
Tags: CM7CyanogenModhtcSensetema