Nova Swiftkey beta za VIP testere

Objavio u 18/06/2011 u 19:30

swiftkey words

Ako ste se prijavili za VIP beta testiranje SwiftKey tastature, pogledajte vaše inbox-e, imate apdejtovan .APK fajl spreman za vas. Spremne su nove beta verzije kako za telefone, tako i za tablete. Ovaj apdejt je izgleda dosta velik, sudeći po listi promena. Ispod imate changelog:

Tablet changelog:

New features:
– installer and setting UIs;
– reworked large portrait and landscape layouts;
– addition of secondary characters to layouts.

Improvements to:
– the keyboard which address several of the typing issues fo

und in the previous release;
the usability of the personalization functionality, particularly with regard to issues with Gmail and Google Apps;
– typing accuracy and spelling correction;
– status notifications, particularly during personalization;
-the usability of the installation process;
– the shortcut launcher (particularly in landscape and on larger devices);
– the preferences and language settings UI;
– general performance, responsiveness and power consumption.

Bug fixes
– Repeated characters (“DoubleDouble”) bugs are now fixed for the most part. There are still some application-specific problems (see Known Issues).
– No more flickering on Gingerbread devices.
– Web search fields now behave correctly.- Fixed a bug where occasionally the installer got stuck in a loop.
– Language states and summaries now update correctly.

Phone changelog:

Improvements to:
– the usability of the personalization functionality, particularly with regard to issues with Gmail and Google Apps;
– typing accuracy and spelling correction;
– status notifications, particularly during personalization;
– the usability of the installation process;
– the shortcut launcher (particularly in landscape and on larger devices);
– the preferences and language settings UI;
– general performance, responsiveness and power consumption.

Bug fixes:– Repeated characters (“DoubleDouble”) bugs are now fixed for the most part. There are still some application-specific problems (see Known Issues).
– Fixed problems with physical/hard keyboards where SHIFT and ALT would get stuck on and symbols were printed rather than alphabetic characters.
– No more flickering on Gingerbread devices.
– Web search fields now behave correctly.
– Fixed a bug where occasionally the installer got stuck in a loop.
– Language states and summaries now update correctly.

Tags: betachangelogswiftkeyUpdatevip

eboye Vasilj Milošević

Objavljenih tekstova: 1161

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