Asus obećao FOTA apdejt i alat za otključavanje bootloader-a na Transformer Prime tabletu

Objavio u 04/01/2012 u 10:17

asus transformer prime

Asus se juče u novogodišnjoj čestitci zahvalio svojim fanovima na Facebook page-u vezano za Transformer Prime koji je predstavljen u decembru 2011. Planiraju da ga uskoro plasiraju i na tržišta van Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Takođe su rekli da će 12. januara pustiti i prvi FOTA apdejt koji će popraviti fokus kamere i unaprediti korisničko iskustvo.

Kako kažu, GPS problemi koji se javljaju su verovatno vezani za materijal od kog je tablet napravljen, a to je aluminium i napominju da to nije profesionalni GPS uređaj i da signal zavisi od mnogo faktora.

Takođe i što se zaključavanja bootloader-a tiče su dali izjavu u kojoj kažu da su to uradili isključivo zbog zahteva provajdera koji nude video servise, a koji mogu biti zloupotrebljeni ukoliko je tablet root-ovan/sa otključanim bootloader-om. Ali, pošto postoji velika zainteresovanost ljudi za modovanjem i root-ovanjem oni trenutno rade na alatu koji će omogućiti otključavanje bootloader-a. Takođe napominju da upotrebom tog alata se garancija gubi i da će korisnici izgubiti mogućnost Google video striminga jer se gubi DRM sigurnosni mehanizam.

Originalni izveštaj:

Thank you very much for all of the support you have given to ASUS. Eee Pad Transformer Prime received excellent reviews and great demand when it launched in December 2011. Now, we are continuing to make the Transformer Prime available in the worldwide market, and doing our best to fulfill the incredible demand. ASUS strives to create the best products and provide the best service for our customers, and will be releasing an FOTA update for the Transformer Prime shortly. This update, version, will improve the focus of the camera, the fluidity of the touch experience, and the APK capabilities in Android Market.

ASUS has been working hard to make the highly anticipated Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich available on the Transformer Prime, and today, we have good news for you. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich FOTA worldwide update for the Transformer Prime will start from Jan 12th, 2012. Thank you for your patience and support through this process.

In addition, we would like to address your concerns related to GPS and bootloader on the Transformer Prime.

The ASUS Transformer Prime is made from a metallic unibody design, so the material may affect the performance of the GPS when receiving signals from satellites. Please note that this product is not a professional GPS device, and signal performance can be easily influenced by factors including, but not limited to: weather, buildings, and surrounding environments. Please understand there are limitations when using the GPS function. To avoid inconveniencing users who demand a powerful GPS device, we made the decision to remove it from our specification sheet and marketing communications. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Regarding the bootloader, the reason we chose to lock it is due to content providers’ requirement for DRM client devices to be as secure as possible. ASUS supports Google DRM in order to provide users with a high quality video rental experience. Also, based on our experience, users who choose to root their devices risk breaking the system completely. However, we know there is demand in the modding community to have an unlocked bootloader. Therefore, ASUS is developing an unlock tool for that community. Please do note that if you choose to unlock your device, the ASUS warranty will be void, and Google video rental will also be unavailable because the device will be no longer protected by security mechanism.

Thank you for all the understanding and support for the ASUS Transformer Prime. Happy New Year!

[via Asus FB fan page]

Tags: Cream SandwichPrimeTransformer

eboye Vasilj Milošević

Objavljenih tekstova: 1161

Čovek koji je uvek tu kada ste u nevolji i koji će vam uvek pomoći svojim savetima i IT iskustvom. Hobi mu je čitanje ChangeLog-a. Posle HTC Hero telefona posedovao je HTC Desire HD, HTC One X, LG Nexus 5, LG G3, LG G4, HTC 10 a sada je ponosni vlasnik Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S telefona. Inače je grafički dizajner po struci, ali se sada bavi programiranjem i zanima ga sve u vezi modernih tehnologija. Čovek pored kojeg morate biti Up To Date je autor na Srbodroidu. (napisala: goldie)

4 komentara, pridruži se diskusiji!
  • Vasilj Milosevic,kako mogu stupiti u kontakt sa vama

  • Jel ce biti Transformer Prime dostupan kod nas?

  • Zanimljivo – isti dan kad sam saznao da je bootloader (na Asus Prime) zakljucan, i da je deo korisnika… hm.. nezadovoljan tom odlukom, oni odluce da ga otkljucaju. Munjevito su reagovali. Izmedju informacije o zakljucanom bootloaderu i informacije o otkljucavanju istog, stigla je da se pojavi jedna peticija za otkljucavanje, nekoliko besnih komentara – i gotovo. Ne jedan od tih komentara pozivao se na Slobodu. “necete vi meni bootloader zakljucavati, ne zvao se ja Lorimer”

    A u medjuvremenu, Belorusija zabranjuje strane sajtove. Blesava planeta, majke mi.

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